Student Services

Student Services:

The Faculty of Education and Humanities, housed within the School of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, places a paramount emphasis on the holistic development and well-being of its students. Within our educational community, student-led initiatives are at the forefront, fostering a dynamic and enriching environment.

Our school proudly hosts dedicated committees, each managed by our students, to cater to various aspects of their development. The Cultural Committee orchestrates a myriad of activities and competitions, such as the Ganesh Festival, Navaratri Dandiya, rangoli competitions, and a traditional-themed fashion show. Additionally, students showcase their talents through singing and solo dance performances.

The Editorial Committee takes charge of curating and publishing the school's annual newsletter, ensuring a comprehensive and insightful reflection of our academic and extracurricular endeavours. Meanwhile, the Sports Committee is instrumental in motivating and organizing a diverse array of both indoor and outdoor games, promoting physical fitness and a sense of camaraderie among students.

Through these student-driven committees, we strive to create a vibrant and inclusive learning environment that goes beyond traditional academics, nurturing well-rounded individuals prepared for the challenges of the future.

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