Co Curricular



Date: October 6, 2023

Topic: “Managerial Scope in Pharma”

Speaker Name and Details:    Dr. Mahesh Burande

Objectives - To equip the students with in-depth perspectives on the dynamic pharmaceutical landscape, empowering them with strategic knowledge and managerial skills crucial for achieving success in the pharmaceutical sector.

Summary of the Session:

The presentation primarily addressed the following key points:

  • The ever-changing managerial dynamics within the pharmaceutical industry. • Current trends, challenges, and opportunities in pharmaceutical management.
  • Grasping the essential skills and competencies necessary for successful pharmaceutical managers.
  • Investigating career paths and opportunities for advancement in pharmaceutical management.
  • Networking with industry experts and fellow professionals.

The session empowered participants with crucial skills and competencies essential for success as pharmaceutical managers, providing a clear roadmap for their career development. Furthermore, the exploration of various career paths and advancement opportunities has expanded horizons, enabling them to make well-informed decisions.



Date: October 10, 2023

Topic: “The Blueprint of Success for the Youth”

Speaker Name and Details:

MR.RAGHVAN KOLI, (Founder, Author & Motivational  Speaker)

Objectives: to equip students with indispensable skills, principles of leadership, and strategic insights, enabling them to excel in the highly competitive corporate landscape

Summary of the Session:

The main topics addressed during the session were as follows:

  • Strategies for overcoming internet addictions.
  • The role of basic observations in sparking inventions.
  • Exceptional techniques for public speaking.
  • Cultivating an exceptionally positive attitude.
  • Challenges faced by the youth.
  • The transformative impact of reading books and achieving success.

This session offered students valuable tools and insights while also fostering confidence and motivation. Armed with new knowledge and a strong network, students are now more adept at navigating the intricacies of the corporate world, making positive contributions to their organizations and the broader business community. Empowered with fresh insights, students are now better equipped to navigate the complexities of the corporate world that will help them to contribute positively to their organizations in future.


Date: October 14, 2023

Topic: Financial Literacy for Youth (Initiated by SEBI & BSE IPF, Mumbai)”

Speaker Name and Details:

CA Mr. Anupkumar Mundada (Resource Person for SEBI & BSE)

Objectives: To inform students about various investment vehicles, such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, detailing their risks and potential returns. It introduced the concept of trading in the stock market and mutual funds as alternative investment options. The focus extended to different ways of saving earnings, planning finances across life stages, and the advantages of investing in life insurance and health policies.

Summary of the Session:

The session primarily addressed the following key points:

  • Grasping fundamental financial concepts.
  • Cultivating skills in budgeting and saving.
  • Acquiring knowledge about investments.
  • Identifying and avoiding financial scams.

The session provided students with insights into various investment options for surplus funds and their respective benefits. The speaker emphasized the significance of mutual fund investments in addressing inflation and diversifying portfolios. Additionally, the speaker discussed investment pyramids, offered tips on stock market trading, and cautioned against risky avenues for quick returns chosen by some investors.


Date: November 20, 2023

Topic: Awareness Programme on Commodity Derivatives

Speaker Name and Details:

Mr. Dhiren Charania, Manager - Product Management Team, Base Metals, Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd.)

Objectives: In recent years, soaring metal prices have heightened price volatility, posing a significant risk to the metal-consuming industry and impacting business margins. Effectively managing this risk is now imperative for business sustainability. The seminar focuses on 'Base Metals Contracts – Price Risk Management and Delivery Solutions' in today's dynamic business environment

Summary of the Session:

The session primarily addressed the following key points:

  • Price discovery for base metals like Aluminium, Copper, Lead, Nickel, and Zinc
  • Risk management through hedging using MCX base metals contracts.
  • Delivery solutions in the context of base metals.
  • Overview of MCX (Multi Commodity Exchange).

Mr. Dhiren Charania extensively covered fundamental concepts of commodity derivatives and delved into practical aspects of the commodity derivative market. He urged students to explore and comprehend the potential of the commodity market as future investors. The technical sessions concluded with an engaging question-and-answer round, actively participated in by the students.



Date: September 27, 2023

Topic: Quality Control and Quality Assurance

Speaker Name and Details:

Dr. Shri.Metha  (Ex. Vice President, Sun Pharma)

Objectives: To establish within students the conceptual basis for the implementation of the model of control over the quality and determine the assessment and its changes in the effectiveness of innovation in the system of quality control.

Summary of the Session:

The session primarily addressed the following key areas:

  • Understanding Quality Control (QC) and Quality Assurance (QA) methodologies and practical techniques aimed at improving product quality and ensuring customer satisfaction.
  • Grasping the distinction between QC, which identifies defects, and QA, which prevents them, contributing to continuous improvement.
  • Exploration of real-life case studies illustrating successful implementations of QC and QA practices.

The session commenced with a presentation that illuminated the current state of pharmaceutical management, highlighting key strategies for success in this competitive field. It offered a unique glimpse into real-world scenarios, providing students with practical insights from pharmaceutical industry.



Event Details


Speaker/Trainer Name

Name of Student Achiever

Training Program

17/08/2023 to 26/08/2023

Induction Program

Ten Days Induction/Orientation Program was conducted from 17the Aug. to 26th Aug. 2023, for the first year batches of BBA, MBA and B. Com.

The entire faculty team of Faculty of Business Management & Commerce

 15/09/2023 to 30/09/2023

 Online certification

As a part of experiential learning in the subject – “Principles and Practices of Management” Students attended online training provided by Great Learnings. Total 142 students received the certificates.

Mr. Prathamesh Nadkarni

Asst. Prof, FBC


01-10- 2023

Clean India Drive

on the Occasion of Gandhi Jayanti on 1st October 2023, the students of Faculty of Business Management and Commerce contributed its share to Make a Cleaner India.

Mr. Prathamesh Nadkarni

Asst. Prof, FBC


Classroom Activity

‘Best out of Waste Activity’- Students made products out of waste material and products were displayed to faculty members. This was conducted as an exercise in Design Thinking & Innovation

Dr. R. Shanmugam 

Associate professor (FBC)

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